HUGE ANNOUNCEMENT (this will help so many people!!)

I am super excited to announce the launch of my second book, The Disabled Debt-Free Degree! The ultimate guide to saving & making money as a person with medical conditions!

Do you have a disability? Do you know someone with a medical condition?

If so, let them know about this book!!

Want $10 off the book? If so, take this survey, and once done, the last page will share the discount code + unique checkout links to get the book discounted!

What inspired me to write this book:

When I initially heard about the main lesser-known resource that inspired this book, I was both shocked and confused.

A mother in my scholarship program titled, The Scholarship Algorithm (where I teach people my step-by-step strategies that enabled me to win 30x scholarships for undergraduate and graduate school) — was the one who told me about it. She just so happened to learn about it from another parent at her son's university. Her son had already won $246,000 in scholarships after participating in my program.

However, with his condition (ADHD) he also qualified for a fully funded undergraduate college education through a government assistance program -- specifically designed for people with disabilities. It offered to fully cover tuition, books, housing, transportation, and technology (such as a new laptop).

Literally everything.

Now that that’s been established — feel free to read a free preview of the book here! And spread the word, such as by using the hashtag, #DisabledDegree

I will be posting A LOT about this on social media from here on out. ^_^

Scholarship Guru

Carlynn is a college financial aid coach & content creator with over 1 million followers across social media who helps high school, university students, & families graduate with little to no student loan debt. Since 2017, she has helped students win millions of dollars in scholarships across the globe from various study concentrations such as for; law, medicine, nursing, the arts, media, etc. Her expertise comes from having won 30x scholarships herself between undergraduate and graduate school. So, parents, teachers, students, and higher education advocates, feel free to join the FREE newsletter!

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